10 Oracle Hints to the Database


A hint is an instruction passed to the optimizer through comments in an SQL statement. Hints enable you to make decisions normally made automatically by the optimizer.

In a test or development environment, hints are useful for testing the performance of a specific access path. For Example, you may know that a specific index is more selective for specific queries. In this case you may use hints to instruct the optimizer to use a better execution plan, as in the following example.

select  /*+  index (s, sales_prd_idx) */

order_id, sales_date, amount, name 

from sales_history s

where customer_id=1000

The INDEX hint uses the table  alias  and the index on that table. Other types of hints . Sometimes hints can get ignored see here why?

Oracle performance tuning, using hints
Oracle performance tuning, using hints
Oracle performance tuning using hints
Oracle performance tuning using hints. Explain plan for the  first query

Clearly its doing a full table scan and not doing an index scan. To force an index scan we add a hint in the second query.

Oracle performance tuning : using hints
Oracle performance tuning : using hints. Table access by using the index provided in the Hint

This example is to purely demonstrate the function of hints and how it can be used (Not an example  of how hints can be used to improve performance)

Forcing a Joining Method

select s.sales_date, s.order_id, s.product_id, p.product_name, p.standard_cost,
p.color, p.list_price, p.product_size, p.weight, p.product_category
from sales_history s, product p
where s.product_ID= p.product_id
and s.Product_ID=101

/* This one uses the nested loop join */

/* but if we find it to be sub optimal we can change the join type by using

Hints such as  merge Join or hash Join */

select /*+ USE_MERGE(S) */ s.sales_date, s.order_id, s.product_id, p.product_name, p.standard_cost,p.color, p.list_price, p.product_size, p.weight, p.product_category
from sales_history s, product p
where s.product_ID= p.product_id
and s.Product_ID=101

select /*+ USE_HASH(S) */ s.sales_date, s.order_id, s.product_id, p.product_name, p.standard_cost, p.color, p.list_price, p.product_size, p.weight, p.product_category
from sales_history s, product p
where s.product_ID= p.product_id
and s.Product_ID=101

Explain plan for the query without hints  uses a nested loop join
explain plan using the merge join hint
Explain plan using the merge join hint
explain plan using hash join hint
explain plan using hash join hint

The optimizer does not always make the best decision in determining the correct path (or join method) for executing an SQL. This is were Hints can be used to determine what would be the best execution path.

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