Some Things Never Change

And David said to his son Solomon, “Be strong and of good courage, and do it; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the LORD God—my God—will be with you.”
1 Chronicles 28:20

As a worldview, postmodernism is skeptical of historical, sweeping, or traditional truth. It says truth is defined by social and historical contexts. Therefore, what was true yesterday may no longer be true today.

Christians can be infected by postmodernism without realizing it. They can become skeptical of the Bible as a source of eternal truth. They can question whether one set of values, morals, and doctrines can be the same for every generation. Moses, when instructing parents about raising their children, took no such view. The instructions contained in God’s covenant were to be permanently incorporated into the lives of families in Israel, generation after generation. Times may change, but God never changes (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8). God’s Word (1 Peter 1:23) and His will (1 John 2:17) remain the same.

As you prepare your children and grandchildren for living in changing times, make sure they build their lives on what never changes: God’s Word (Isaiah 40:8).

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