Dr. Ida, India

A posterity shall serve Him. It will be recounted of the Lord to the next generation.
Psalm 22:30

While calling on a patient, Dr. John Scudder saw a small book on the table. The authors, two American missionaries in Bombay, set forth the challenge of reaching the world for Christ. The Lord spoke to Scudder through that book, and he became America’s first medical missionary to India. That’s not all. His children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren followed him. In all, four generations and 42 members of the Scudder family devoted more than 1,100 years to missionary service.

Dr. Scudder’s granddaughter, Ida, decided to buck the tradition, and she returned to America to settle down. But while back in India visiting her parents, she grew burdened for the people and she, too, became a renowned missionary physician. She was so beloved that one day in the mail she found an envelope bearing only the words, “Dr. Ida, India.” In a nation of 300 million at that time, the Indian postal service knew exactly where to deliver the letter.

We need families today like the Scudders, and we need daughters like Dr. Ida, full of conviction and courage for Christ. Let’s set the example!

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