Overcoming Love, Overwhelming Peace

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8

Bud Paxson, co-founder of Home Shopping Network, was so busy building a television empire he didn’t realize his marriage was failing. On Christmas day, 1986, his wife told him she was leaving him. Paxson was devastated. His children insisted he accompany them on a planned vacation to Las Vegas. While there, he picked up a Gideon Bible in his hotel room and read Romans 5:8 about how Christ had paid the debt of our sins. As a businessman, Paxson understood the concept of debt; and that night he was wonderfully saved by the power of the Cross.

What happened at Calvary reverberated through all the ages and reaches us wherever we are, whether in the penthouse or in the gutter. “I regret I had to hit bottom before I was willing to listen to God,” Paxson said, “but I’m thankful God was there waiting for me.”

God is there waiting on you, too, with the greatest demonstration of love the world can ever witness—the cross of Jesus Christ.

The moment I put my faith in Jesus Christ, an overwhelming peace came over me. I knew at that moment that God loved me.
Bud Paxson

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