How to have what you truly want

I have seen so many chase after things they fail to get at the end. So many who are left broken by their inability to fully grasp what they want, and most times I wonder if all our lives have been programed to desire things we can’t have.

Most of us, having aimed so high as the clouds, choose to settle so low in depths after we have broken our backs in pursuit of what we have imagined.

Could this be our fate? Could this be our burden? Could this be how we have been designed to live? I don’t believe so, for I have come to realize that our problem is not that we aim so high or so lofty or so unrealistic for the mind to comprehend, but that in us lack the capacity to attract and handle what we want.

In life, I have seen so many of us chase after dreams we have no capacity to handle. I have seen so many of us desire to own the things we are not prepared to have, and I am less than surprised to see our lives filled with so much struggles, regrets and broken dreams. Yes, we may make little progress, we may set smaller dreams and goals, and do all we can to achieve them, but quite frankly, deep within us, there remains a longing and a huge vacuum to be filled.

So we struggle. We agonize. We toil, and we break. We build up from the fall, but still harbor the fear of losing it all again. We repeat this cycle as we chase meaning, happiness, completeness and peace, but the very thing we fail to do is to ask ourselves, what must I become to have what I want?

Here is what I know; life will not give you what you want just because you want it, rather it will beat you to the point where you either give up on your dream or you develop the capacity to prepare for it. You choose.

It’s no wonder why successes have being the ruin of so many, why empires and dynasties have faded away with time, and why many businesses will still fail tomorrow. Truth is, It all tickles down to the failure of these individuals to handle what they have.

Like one of my favorite author, Benjamin Hardy wrote, the problem with people becoming a millionaire is not in having the millions but in what they must become to have it, and this is the absolute truth. In order to have what you want, you must become what you want, this is to say, you must develop that capacity, that character, that unique quality that mirrors what you desire.

The biggest deception is when we tell ourselves we would become what we must be or have that prolific character after we have gotten what we want, but I can tell you first hand, that not only are going to fall flat on our faces, we will also live our lives chasing, with struggle, the things we may not have. And peradventure we do have it, it won’t take so long for us to lose it all again, hopefully without our paying with our lives.

What must I do to become what I want? This is one of the biggest life changing questions you can ever ask yourself, for I believe from the moment we shape our lives into having and becoming the character that mirrors what we want, life automatically gravitate what we desire towards us.

That’s the solution, ATTRACT DON’T CHASE.

Rather than dissipating so much energy in chasing things around us, why don’t we take a moment to ask ourselves, am I the right person for this?

Do I deem myself responsible to have this?

Sometimes people will advise you, “Just start, you will get your footing in the process”, yeah, while this may be a form of motivation to get you off your ass and stop procrastinating, choosing to develop your character and capacity that mirrors what you desire is the fastest way to have what you want.

If you want a better relationship, be a better person. Don’t other peoples’ lives with your terrible attitude.

If you want a better grade, become a better student. No teacher will be willing to give you a pass if you don’t put in the work.

If you want more money from your business, it is time to possess the character of a better sales person and customer relationship personnel. A happy customer will always open doors for other business.

Become what you want. That’s the idea. Attract what you desire by building your capacity to handle it. God will never give you what He knows will break your back. Nobody will be will to take a gamble on you if they are not sure of your capacity.

Believe when I say, you will only break your neck when you chase to have what you want before having the capacity to handle it. Don’t go through the struggle of chasing when you can always attract.

Attract, don’t chase.

Original post: Litcore

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