Bloggers you might ❤ 04/11/17

I have a promote your blog link on my site where I encourage people to leave a link to their blog and a short description about their site or themselves.

These are a few blogs that I would like to feature today

Beth : My name is Beth, and I’m a recent University graduate living in London, UK. I have a Health, Wellness and Fitness blog called À La Fit which I use to share my experiences with readers. I am interested in Sport, Fitness, Nutrition and Massage and specifically want to work with those interested in gaining more knowledge of leading a healthy lifestyle. I consider myself a very motivating and positive person with a powerful drive to help others. Please do check out my blog, all support is greatly appreciated 🙂

Steven Colborne:  Hello everyone!. I write about philosophy, theology, spirituality, and mental health, over at On my ‘Essays’ page you can download papers on a range of theological subjects (for free), and I’ve written a couple of books about my spiritual journey and theological perspective which you can read about on the ‘Books’ page. I also publish new blog posts twice a week, usually tackling issues like free will, suffering, the nature of God, and the meaning of life. Would love to connect with people who share similar interests. Thank you and God bless! Steven 😊

A. L. T.: I recently started writing a blog at
I’m currently working on a few books of various genres and love to use the blog as a medium for just getting some of my work out there. I thought that it might be time to share some stories and fleeting thoughts.

Pamela Parizo: A few months back I began to write a blog called The Glorious Wife which is about women submitting to their husbands. I began this blog out of exploring Christian marriage, and with the overall theme of agape love, exploring the role of submission within marriage, what it means, what God intends for marriage, and how modern society has fallen away from what God ordained for marriage. I call it the Glorious Wife, because woman is intended to glorify the husband, just as the Church glorifies Jesus.

Moji life in montgomery : I am an Independent Distributor for MojiLife and never imagined working another job on the side but this device sold itself for me! I love fragrances and essential oil scents in my home but not the dangers of wax, oils ..etc. This device solved my problem. This company is bigger out West but no one in the South seemed to know about it, so I am trying to show others how safe and smart this device is and to help others who might be allergic to paraffin but still want a nice smelling home! Oh its Bluetooth compatible too and how cool is that to be able to set it and forget it!!! Please visit my link/page to know more:

PF : Music is my life and I love sharing the music I’m enjoying with the people around me, so what better way then on a blog! I feature music from ALL sorts of genres, due my eclectic and diverse music taste, so you’re sure to find something you enjoy, PLUS I also share the favourite music of people close to me in my life! I talk about indie artists, up and coming artists, artists in the Top 40 and artists I think deserve some more recognition. I’d love if you had a look and enjoyed some cool new tunes xx.

14 thoughts on “Bloggers you might ❤ 04/11/17

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  1. I am a 20-year-old Mechanical Engineering Student and an aspiring Entrepreneur who is inspired by the innovations, we, the people come up with to make the World a better place.

    A passion which I truly love would be to live a healthy lifestyle. I manage to achieve such a lifestyle (or at least try) by eating healthy food accompanied by workouts which I tend to carry out during the day.

    This can be found at:

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